Connect to the purpose of your pelvic floor, core, & posture with movement.

Specialized Pelvic Floor Therapy serving women in the Charleston area navigate through pre-natal and postnatal symptoms, urinary or bowel issues, or ​pelvic pain.

Pelvic floor physical therapy in mt pleasant

Where Movement Finds its Meaning.

By connecting with your body, you will be prepared to use your pelvic floor and core efficiently throughout your day to prevent or eliminate issues that commonly occur. Life is too busy to deal with pain, urinary or bowel issues, or limit yourself because of fear of making something worse! Life is also too busy to spend 10+ minutes a day on doing kegels which aren’t really helping anyway!

Rome Physical Therapy focuses on connecting your mind and body to your pelvic floor and core so you can use it throughout your day: while working out, taking care of your kids, or just moving around your house. Whether you are pregnant, preparing for childbirth, recovering postpartum, had kids 15+ years ago, or have never even had kids, we are here to help guide you throughout your day. 

Let’s work together!

  • pregnancy and postpartum physical therapy in Charleston

    Pregnancy & Postpartum

    If you are pregnant having any symptoms or want to prepare for childbirth- this is our jam! We also focus on the recovery period after baby to make sure you reconnect to your core and pelvic floor to avoid issues in the future!

  • Pelvic health physical therapy in Charleston

    Pelvic Floor Therapy

    If you are having any issues with urinary leakage, urinary urgency, constipation, hemorrhoids, pain with intercourse, prolapse, or any other pelvic floor or core imbalances, we are here to help you reconnect to your pelvic floor to create lasting relief.

  • Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Charleston

    Orthopedic Pain

    If you are struggling with low back pain, hip pain, tailbone pain, or pubic pain, we have you covered too! Often times, this can be due to lack of deep core and pelvic floor stability! That’s where we come in- let’s reconnect to your deeper strength.

  • Pediatric Pelvic Health

    If your child is having issues with constipation, bladder leakage, bed wetting or just want to have one foot forward during potty training, we are here to help! Children need help connecting to their deep core for proper bowel and bladder health.

pelvic floor physical therapy in summerville, sc

What Makes Our Services Different?

We are all just like you: women, moms, and individuals with our own journey with pelvic floor dysfunction! That’s why we are great at what we do! We will not be teaching you kegels while you are lying down on your back. Life is too busy and no one has time for that! That is not functional- how often do you spend time lying down besides sleeping? We want to help you understand how to use your pelvic floor and core on a daily basis! We make the connection and meaning of your body matter!

We do not speed through our evaluations, hook you up to a machine, keep you on your back the entire time, or leave you in a room alone to do exercises!

We believe in an active and hands-on approach to treatment where we look at the whole body to find the underlying cause of these Women's Health issues to ensure you find lasting relief! Grounded in a sense of warmth & comfort, we’re passionate about providing positive, life-changing experiences for each unique individual.

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